Monday, 27 April 2015

OUIL501 - Final Crit and Feedback

Although this final crit wasn't exactly useful, because I couldn't really change anything about my book at this stage, I did find the feedback to be really reassuring in that my book was successful. 
A few people mentioned that my book had a very clear and well executed concept, that the sarcasm and humour contrasted really well with the deep subject, also because of the way it was designed to appear to be a light hearted children's book. 
Through my feedback I can see that my work is obviously informed by contextual research and links well to my essay question. This was something that I was concerned about at first, that the practical element of my work didn't link directly to my essay question, but I feel much more confident that it does after this feedback.
Looking back on my work now I am happy that I decided to change my idea from simply creating a painting of layered farm animals to this children's book because it gives my project much more context and has given me ideas for future work. 

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