Monday, 27 April 2015

OUIL501 - Final Practical Response

I'm very pleased with the outcome of my final book, I received a lot of praise at the final crit on the impact of the story and the relationship that I created between image and text and I think that I used colour well to create a certain mood and to evoke an emotional response in the reader. I tried to make the story a little bit humorous as I was trying to mock the naivety of consumer's views towards the meat industry and the slaughter process. I think I got the balance between adult humour and the aesthetic of a children's book exactly right in order to fool the reader into believing this to be a real children's book, and to then be shocked by the narrative when they read it. I was very pleased with the print quality, as I decided to print the front pages on thicker paper and the inside ones on thinner stock, this gave it more of a realistic look. The next book that I create I want to properly bind it with a hardback cover.

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