Friday, 20 November 2015

OUIL601 - Animal facts

I'm thinking about incorporating some fun animal facts into my book, just scattering them throughout in a little thought bubble maybe, like a 'did you know' sort of thing, to add a bit more depth and information into the story.

Here's some interesting one's I found:

- A group of fox's is called a skulk
- Baby hedgehogs are called hoglets
- over the past 35 years magpie numbers in Britain and Ireland have quadrupled 
- There are more than 600 species of spider in Britain
- The rarest mammal in Britain is the Scottish Wildcat
- There are less than 10 million brown rats in the UK
- Guinea pigs sleep with both eyes open
- Cats taste sweet things
- Flies vomit up their own food then eat it again.
- Owls can't move their eyes because they are tubes and not eyeballs.
- Brown bats are only awake for 4 hours a day
- Bees grow hair on their eyes
- Bats have long distance relationships
- Squirells can't burp
- 1 cow can fart up to 200 litres of methane in a day
- Frogs can't close their eyes
- Foxes, live, work, eat and sleep alone
- Ant's don't sleep
- Moths have no stomachs
- Pigs can't see the sky
- Mice can sense sadness in other mice
- Butterflies taste everything they walk on
- Worms have 5 hearts
- Every year, thousands of new trees grow because squirells forget where they buried their nuts.

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