Sunday, 22 November 2015

OUIL601 - Peer review and feedback session

Comment on the initial relationship between the Theme and the proposed Subject?

Strengths - Clear relationship between the two, good idea to narrows down to a specific age group to communicate the theme.

Suggestions - How will you maintain the educational theme, will the activities appear throughout the book?

Comment on the appropriateness, scope and ambition of the proposed outcomes in relation to the subject.

Strengths - Really appropriate, I like how you are planning to educate through the actual narrative of the story aswell, learning without them realising.

Suggestions - With the age group being 8-10 will their be more text than their would be in a book for a younger audience?

Comment on the visual investigation and development of idea in response to theme and subject?

Strengths - Great that you have started thumbnailing, carry on!

Suggestions - You could maybe include a random animal that pops up every so often in the corner of the page with a fun fact.

Comment on the choice of media/format/series etc. in relation to the outcomes.

Strengths - Really like your water-colour scenes and backdrops in your sketchbooks - this combined with more refined detailed characters would work really well.

Suggestions - Try and create one scene using the different techniques you've used in your sketchbook to see which works best with the composition.

Comment on the initial relationship between the Theme and the proposed Subject?

Strengths - Definite relationship between the practical theme and what you have produced, really good story telling so far!

Suggestions - Just make sure that it keeps an educational slant on the work. You could have a fun fact every few pages?

Comment on the appropriateness, scope and ambition of the proposed outcomes in relation to the subject.

Strengths - Very appropriate, it is targeted well to the age group. Ambitious, but good ambitious.

Suggestions - You could expand the target audience, your question says young children, so maybe make it 6-10 years.

Comment on the visual investigation and development of idea in response to theme and subject?

Strengths - The humour in your work is really good. It's subtle and works really well.

Suggestions - Keep at it with the planning of the story, the facts are the things that make it really interesting to me, it would be amazing to have them included. Maybe a fact file!

Comment on the choice of media/format/series etc. in relation to the outcomes.

Strengths - You've the size of your book which is good.

Suggestions - Do a test page to see that the approach that you are wanting to take is going to work.

General comment:

1 - I think the book should be 32 pages. I heard someone saying Teresa said that was the minimum size of a childrens book when it is published.
2 - Merch:
Fact File
3D snail/plush snail/snail badge/stickers
Flash cards/memory cards, match the fact to the animal.
3- I'm really bad at humour but you could reference daily life as an adult like what you did with the snail not having enough sleep, maybe that kind of thing.

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