Wednesday, 28 January 2015

OUIL501 - Naomi Klein - No Logo

  • No Logo talks about how corporate branding has taken over America
  • The rise in consumerism forced corporations to create a brand for themselves in order to create brand loyalty with consumers and to stand out from the competition as more and more brands surfaced.
  • As manufacturing processes developed and upgraded and products began to be made in large scale factories, more and more variations of common products were being made, and different sales strategies needed to be employed, hence the development of the brand. 
  • The purpose of advertisement changed from 'delivering product news bulletins' to creating a branded image of a particular product.
  • Brands had to create an emotional response in their customers, to make themselves appear more human in order to appeal to consumers. 
  • Brands became important to children and young teens as a way to fit in, as young people began to have more of a disposable income and their own identity. 
  • Brands aimed their advertisements towards children to instil brand awareness, which would grow as they grew themselves. 
  • This links to Pester Power.
  • Brand Logos have become more popular as they have become more visable, the product is more about the logo than the use of the product itself. 
  • "This scaling-up of the logo's role has been so dramatic that it has become a change in substance. Over the past decade and a half, logos have grown so dominant that they have essentially transformed the clothing on which they appear into empty carriers for the brands they represent. The metaphorical alligator, in other words, has risen up and swallowed the literal shirt."

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