Thursday, 8 May 2014

OUIL401 - Final evaluation

What skills have you developed through this brief and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

  • This was the first time I had written a formal essay in a long time so it took me some getting used to writting in that style, but once I got used to it I think I did okay, and I also think it helped me to think how I could anaylse my work when I was blogging it. The practical aspect of the work also helped me to think about how you translate something from a piece of text into something physical, and how to best communicate what you are trying to say in a text and turn it into visual communication. I think I applied this quite well through my comic, as people that I have shown the comic to have found it funny and understood the concept, however I think I can always improve my work and probably could have found a more obvious way of communicating my point.
What approaches to/methods of image making have you developed and how have they informed your concept development process?
  • At the beginning when I was just testing I started using ink, but I found that this was very hard to control and I wanted a clear and controled line quality that I could make sure was precise, so I switched just using pastels and coloured pencils, I found that when I was using oil pastels that the way I drew was more messy and less controlled, both because I was practising drawing from reference, and also because the media doesn't allow for much control. When I finally decided to use pencils I found that the way I developed the concept for the character became a lot more controlled and I found it easier to make decisions on how I wanted her to look.
What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
  • I think that because this was my first proper comic with narrative that I had completed I wasn't 100% happy with it, however I think one strength of it is that the comic itself has helped me improve the way I think about character and how that links with narrative and how you combine the two to communicate a concept. I think that my interrogation of media and process also helped me to create a good looking final piece, which does communicate my point well, I think that this is a definite strength.
What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how have/will you address these in the future?
  • I think the main weakness was the overall quality of the final piece. Although the illustrations themselves worked quite well I should have spent more time cleaning up my scanned images in photoshop before working on them. The lines around the edge of the work made it obvious it was a scanned in image, and because all the images were not alligned properly when I trimmed the excess paper from the border off it would sometimes come too close to some pieces of work and too far away from others. Next time I aim to spend more time cleaning up my final images in order to make sure they are as neat and clean as possible.
Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
  1. I will try and create a finished product using a method other than digital print, I would most like to use screenprint or risograph printing. I think this will add a different dimention to my work and help me decided what I enjoy working with most.
  2. I want to continue to explore character and narrative in the hopes that I will become a better story teller and be better able to communicate a strong message or opinion through my work.
  3. I will try and use a different media while testing other than coloured pencil, as I have used this for the past few briefs, this will also help my visual skills develop.
  4. I will spend more time making my final pieces look as neat and professional as possible which wil hopefully help me to become more confident with my work
  5. I want to carry on trying to develop my own voice and learn how to better put my own opinions and ideas into my work to create something that is well informed and will make the views think about their own opinions.
How would you rate yourself in the following areas?
Attendance : 5
Punctuality: 5
Motivation: 4
Commitment: 3
Quantity of work produced: 4
Quality of work produced: 4
Contribution to the group: 4

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