- Habitat destruction - bulldozing trees, filling in wetlands, dredging rivers, mowing fields
- Habitat fragmentation - Remaining wildlife habitat is cut up and divided by roads and development
- Habitat degradation - Pollution, invasive species, disruption of eco - system processes
- Disease
- Global warming
- Unregulated hunting and poaching
- Pollution
- Public indifference
- Over exploitation of wildlife
- Increasing human population
- Disease's are a normal part of every ecosystem, and healthy ecosystems have evolved ways of fending of potentially harmful diseases that could have disastrous consequences.
Ecosystems that are not as healthy as they should be and are threatened by pollution and habitat degradation are more vulnerable to emerging diseases.
Global Warming
- Global warming is becoming one of the biggest threats to wildlife worldwide.
- Many species of wildlife take cues from nature as to when they should, migrate, hibernate, nest, mate, etc. Global warming is confusing those signals and the changes in climate force the wildlife to change their natural cycles.
- Widespread forest loss due to warming and drought are causing trees to die and making them more vulnerable to beetle infestations.
- Coral bleaching happens when the algae that live in the reefs die out or expelled from the corals due to stress. The algae provide the coral with nutrients and oxygen. Scientists believe that the main cause of coral bleaching is the warm sea surface temperatures that are caused by global warming.
- Arctic ice, which arctic mammals such as polar bears, walrus and seals, depend upon to survive, is melting at an alarming rate. It is melting at a much faster pace than what was predicted just a few years ago.
Habitat Loss
One of the biggest threats to wildlife is habitat loss, due to destruction, such as bulldozing trees, filling in wetland and mowing fields etc.
When an ecosystem is drastically changed by human activity such as agriculture and commercial development, it may often not be able to provide water, food and shelter for the wildlife that depend upon it for survival.
The main components of habitat loss in the US are:
- Agriculture
- Land conversion for development
- Water development
- Pollution
- Global warming